Exclusive Offer + Newsletter

Exclusive Offer from the Pro Shop

We are getting ready to place a clothing order with Adidas.  We want to share our savings with KGC members.

  • We are extending a 15% discount on all pre-orders of at least $100 and 25% for all orders over $200*   This exclusive offer is only available to KGC members.

Here’s how you can place your order:

-Log in to browse the 2020 Adidas Catalogue

-Enter the purchasing code 72217 to access the private order section

-Enter KGCORDER2020 as the PO Number

-Enter the QTY under the item and size

-Scroll to the bottom of the page – Click Place Order

You may use your pro shop credit towards your order/purchase.  Once we receive your order, we will place it on your account.  Sorry – No returns.

Sizing – We have Adidas polos, shorts and skorts in the pro shop to help you with your order.

Orders need to be placed by Monday, June 29th @ 4pm.  If you need help with your order please call/text André 705-367-4588.

*Before taxes. We cannot order golf shoes to due our exclusivity agreement with FootJoy.

Health & Safety – Course Crew

(Left to Right): Michel Plourde (Superintendent), Evan Gauthier, Jim Rathbone (Asst Superintendent), Brandon Leblanc and Jacob Reckzine (Welcome to the course crew Jacob 👍🏼) 

Why are course crew employees stopping to watch me play? The course crew’s protocol is to stop (or idle) equipment and machinery when you are about to play your next shot. It’s also about respecting you while you are playing. If the noise doesn’t bother you please waive or acknowledge that they can continue to operate their machinery or equipment.

In addition, please make contact with course crew employees when they are cutting greens/fairway/rough, changing pins or performing other duties. They will either wave you on or ask you to wait.

Lastly, please read and respect notices put out on the first tee or on Chronogolf (i.e. cart paths only, course closed, etc.) The course crew thanks you in advance for keeping them safe when they work on the course.

Ladies’ / Men’s Night by Molson Coors

Molson Coors is sponsoring both events this week.  We will be selling only Molson Coors products on both days.  It’s our way of saying thank you to our sponsor.  Starting Tuesday, when you purchase a Molson Coors product ask for a ballot to enter into a draw to win a patio umbrella 🍺

Regional Senior Tournaments

Handicap Computer

We have reintroduced the handicap computer.

The software has been updated with the new handicap calculations and our new course rating / slope. Your handicap is a now a true reflection of our course rating / slope.

In addition, we have revised all courses/blocks combinations in the software. It is important to enter your score under the correct tee blocks. Remember….you can play the tee blocks that you prefer.

Yes…a 5 handicap can play the yellow or red blocks…a 25 handicap can play the blue blocks. The handicap software will take both scenarios into consideration. Have fun out there and go shoot the lowest score possible J

Men’s Night

The revised handicaps require us to revise the tee blocks played for Men’s Night as follows:

0-7:     Play Blue Blocks

8-13:    Play White Blocks (or Blue)

14-19:  Play Yellow Blocks (or White or Blue)

20+:     Play Red Blocks (or Yellow, White or Blue)

Remember to disinfect the keyboard before and after each use.

Cancellations / No Shows

We kindly remind all members to please cancel your tee time via Chronogolf or by calling the pro shop.  There are a few reasons for this;

-Health & Safety (we want to know who is on the course)

-# of Rounds Played (we track the number of rounds played)

-Men’s / Ladies’ Night (we need to know who has paid and who hasn’t.  In addition, it prevents pro shop employee from tracking you down for your $5, having us charge your account even if you didn’t show up and resulting in a negative experience with the KGC).

Thanks in advance for your cooperation 😀

Lightning Safety

If you see lightning or hear thunder, even in the distance, get off the course immediately. Squalls and thunderstorms bearing lightning move quickly sometimes. Before you know it, they’re right on top of you, catching you unprepared. If you see trouble, get off the course instantly.

If you’re hit by lightning, you probably won’t get another chance to lower your golf handicap.  A typical shock from lightning sends several thousand amps through your body in an instant. Unfortunately, it takes only two amps to stop your heart. So your chances of surviving after being struck by lightning aren’t good. That’s why you should know exactly what to do when you’re on the course and lightning strikes.

Sounding of the Horn
Pro shop or club storage employees will sound the horn three (3) times when lighting is in the area. At that time we ask all players to stop play and find shelter. The horn will sound one (1) time when play is able to proceed.

Upcoming Events

June 30:     Junior Day #1

June 30:     Ladies’ Night sponsored by Molson Coors

July 1:        Men’s Night sponsored by Molson Coors

July 3:        Couples’ Night #3

July 7:         Ladies’ Night Bring-A-Friend A

July 9:         Junior Day #2

July 13-17:  Junior Golf Camp

July 23:       NGA Boys/Girls U15 & U17 Junior Championship

July 25-26:  Lumberjack – 2 Person Tournament

July 28:       Ladies’ Night Bring-A-Friend

July 30:       Junior Day #3

August 1-2: Bob Young Invitational

August 6:    Junior Day #4

August 8-9: Adam & Eve Mixed Tournament

Full schedule here

Have questions? Either respond to this email or contact André Robichaud, Club Manager, andre@kapgolfclub.ca

P.S. Désolé je vais traduire la prochaine communication 🙂